Monday, 12 September 2016


When it comes to collection researches and amassing knowledgeables, Nigerians are the most lazy set of people in this world.

Unlike the popular saying, 'do not believe everything you read in the newspapper', Nigerians practically believe everything they read on paper.

Apart from the junk journalism that is the order of the day- (that traits of laziness runs with their blood), the Nigerian media is blessed with unintelligible assertions, bigotry conclusions and ethno-sentimental headliners!!!

The oil producing world is currently in recession, but the only ones surviving are those who have saved for the raining day.

Venezuela, and import-dependent country like ours and currently one of the world largest exporter if crude oil, is currently enjoying the worst time of their history; more than 20,000 of their citizens had to cross over to Columbia to buy food!

What Nigerian wants is to demand for positive change, but they never wanna be part of the process.

Mind you, i never voted for buhari nor Jonathan, but, when Nigerians say, 'Buhari is associates with hardship', it is understandable, why they would day that. People, who called themselves 'elites' and 'stakeholders', expected to be intelligent, would grand press interviews and demand the president to 'reverse his policies and give Nigerians, the change they promised'!

A little reason for our current state could have been understood via a simple research if the previous history and how we found ourselves at this junction.

In 1984/85, when buhari decided to implement the policies he is currently implementing, because at that time, we have started to rely more on importation, people gnashed their teeth and cursed him for creating hardship.

Yet, our paper mills, texile industries, rubber plantations, timbers and so much more, were fading away. People relied more on importation of ready ready-made goods.

And when he was overthrown via a successful coup and IBB installed himself as the president, people rejoice.

IBB came in, just because business wasn't as usual, and the West weren't happy with a young president who was trying to do the right thing. Just like Mugabe and Gaddafi were hated, so was buhari, for trying to make us independent.

SAP, was the foundation of every problem we ever was the epitome and pioneer of corruption. IBB, knowing exactly that he could only be popular by giving impatient Nigerians what they wanted, started subsidizing everything importable. Nigerians were happy that cheap processed foods flooded the market and slowly watched as every indigenous industry died away.

Our naira began to depreciate because we buy from others and strengthened other nations, while ours became weak. Gradually, we died away.

IMF offered loans that could be repaid over a long period but kept us weak and enslaved.

As of today, we have trees but imports paper, toothpick, pencil...

We have rubber trees but plastic companies import raw materials...

Cereal producing companies imports grains..

Our crude oil is exported to be refined and we pay thru the nose to import again!

Corruption is the order of the day. Nothing was allowed to work so as to keep the string hands enriched.

This is madness and no one seems to know why we are really in recession.

Like I said, the oil producing world is currently in recession and the only countries that is surviving, like Saudi Arabia and Canada, are the ones who are well industrialized and or have saved for this day. They are growing more if their foreign reserve by exportation.

We have few dollars in our coffer as foreign reserve, yet, some idiots criticize the ban on some foreign imports that could be sourced locally.

Whether it is the sheer manifestations of the popular low IQs, even among the so called learned, or it is the wanton natuaral characteristic of an average Nigeria to be stoical, that makes them not to understand this little 'mental sums'.

It's simple mathematics for the sensible ones..

If you take out of your money to buy what you have within, you are strengthening the seller and weakening yourself. But when you also produce what u can sell, you will add to your savings and become more richer..

Forcing manufacturers to look within will further enrich the citizens instead of making them poorer. When u import, you enrich the foreigner and sell to a depleted economy after production. When you source within, you enrich the economy and will sell cheaper to the citizens.

The reason why prices are on the roof is because manufacturers are still forcefully importing instead if looking within. They source for dollars illegally and still go ahead to import what they would process that could have gotten within the country- thereby increasing the costs of production.

China and India didn't yank themselves from the grip of the Western world buy going back on their policies, even when they once ranked as one of the poorest countries in the world, decades ago.

The uncanny willingness of most manufacturers, to still opt for importation for production is not based on the imaginary non existing 'substandard local products', but of total corruption that has been a parasite in their everyday thinking!

Nigeria will remain poor if someone doesn't take drastic action!


