comprehensive guide to managing your
garri processing factory successfully.
comprehensive guide to managing your
garri processing factory successfully.
I have come to realise that people who needs to know about garri processing always ask the same pattern of questions. this is the reason why i decided to put down these questions and paste for others to learn and quench their curiosity. Questions ranges from,
how can i set up a garri processing plant? What is garri processing? how can i make profit if i go into garri processing? How to set up a small scale, medium scale and large scale garri processing plant. How can we produce cassava flour? How to produce Garri ijebu, Garri egab and yellow garri? What will it cost to set up a garri processing plant in nigeria? Anyway, here we go.
how can i set up a garri processing plant? What is garri processing? how can i make profit if i go into garri processing? How to set up a small scale, medium scale and large scale garri processing plant. How can we produce cassava flour? How to produce Garri ijebu, Garri egab and yellow garri? What will it cost to set up a garri processing plant in nigeria? Anyway, here we go.
After this session, you can click for the manual titled BE YOUR OWN MANAGER
Can we know you?
My name is simply Dare. The prefix of Mr or Builder (Being a building technologist by profession) is not necessary. I am a graduate since 2010.
Since when have you being in the farming business?
2013. We still have seven hectares of cassava farm in Akure that we manage and will be ready for harvest soon. Another four at iwo, in osun state. This is after suffering great losses due to arson on eleven hectares of land at Abeokuta, and the indifferent of the government due to this loss that was 100% not our fault. A lot of other farmers, mainly youth, are also affected. Also, when I said we, we are a group of young graduates. In fact, my other two colleagues have masters in Agricultural related courses with hands on practice.
But the issue of planting a cassava and not processing is no more related.
What do you mean? Is processing of cassava more lucrative than cultivating and selling?
Planting cassava without having to process it is going to be a loss. Apart from the fact that the prices are now nothing to cushion a break-even situation, it is NO MORE LUCRATIVE!Why is cassava cultivation no more lucrative?
TME 419 is the best variety from IITA. It allows multi-cropping and has the required starch content needed in many end products of cassava. Be it, garri, ethanol, starch and so on. This variety also has a very strong resistance against the popular mosaic disease. That was the edge we have over the local farmers until they got hold of the steams and BOOM, it was all over! Abd since they realised that it produces more than ten times the tubers they usually get from the local varieties, they sell in appalling prices that makes us redundant. That was why we started looking towards processing- Garri processing, to be precise. Though, we have a master’s degree graduate of food technology, who will put you through if you prefer flour as an end product.
What did you know about Garri production?
Everything! Ask me, and you will get your answer!
How did you get to know much?
Apart from the fact that as a kid, I involved in local garri processing a lot. I also had my training on modern garri processing at IITA and a hand on practicals at Ilorin, kwara state. I know virtually everything you need to know about the processing- from peeling to effective bagging.How many types of garri do we have? Can we even say we have different types of garri?Of course, we do. The majors being Ijebu garri, Egba garri, garri igbo (yellow garri) and koko garri (Not dbanj’s o) Many people don’t know that we habe a type of garri that is produced from the leftovers after producing the real garri that is called koko garri. This garri behaves exactly like cassava flour. In fact, this garri is like flour and very thin in the hand like the flour. When preparing it, it requires half of what the normal garri will require to produce a meal. It puffs and swells very easily. It could also be drunk, especially for those who may complain that coarseness of garri is too harsh on their oesophagus. In short, just think of an Amala in a garri form. And taste is unique!
Are the processes different?
Of course, the processing is what differentiates them.And what are these processes involved in the production of different types of garri?We shall discuss this in full in my manual- These four major types of garri and the FULL method of production. You will understand why the texture and taste are different.
OK. This will make me ask this, do you have a garri factory?
For now, when we need to, we process through small scale and local factories around us. We are not ready for a factory unless it is a larger scale. We are already saving towards this. The money involved is not really easy. Though, we are available to be partnered with in this area. You supply the fund and we set up and manage your factory for an agreed period of time and an agreed fee.
How much does it costs to have a small scale, medium and large scale factory?
For a small scale, you need at least, two plots of land, and around 500,000 naira and 650,000 naira for the machines. The structure depends on your taste. You don’t need a proper structure. Just a shedlike structure to house the machines and the frying area. You will be able to produce, at LEAST, 40 bags of 50kg per week. The machines are, probably, a peeler, 1ton/hr grater, a fermentation rack, two pressers, two frying trays and a grinder.
For a medium scale; you will need between 650,000 naira and 1 million naira. The structure will depend on your taste. Machines are, a 2tons/hr grater, a fermentation rack, two pressers, one or two sifter(s), three frying tray or a small mechanical fryer and a grinder/hammer mill. You should produce, AT LEAST, 150 – 200 bags of 50 kg each week. For a large scale, look at the bigger picture because you probably are going international. You will require machines in the range of 1.3 million and above (as your lordship wishes). You will need at LEAST, a peeler, two 2tons/hr or a 4tons/hr grater, fermentation racks, four pressers, two sifters, a mechanical fryer (no frying trays unless you’ll make room for at LEAST, five) and a hammer mill (No grinder).
Please, note the word, ‘AT LEAST’ in all the three tiers. Also, understand that a frying tray is capable of frying 25kg in 30 minutes. All machines must be made of stainless steel parts to avoid contamination with iron. This will, of course, fail the test conducted by THE FOOD REGULATORY BODY LIKE NAFDAC and your exportation license will be denied. There are other factors you must consider.
What are the factors to be considered by NAFDAC in order to approve a garri processing factory?
This simply means the way you set up and arrange your production such that they are well coordinated with an end product that is not contaminated in any way. They are in the MANUAL

I see. Which one is better- Mechanical fryer or manual?
I believe what you meant by manual, is the frying tray.The decision on the use mechanical fryer is far deeper than the output you wanted. Take it or live it, making garri is an art. It is far more than a machine doing the artistry. It is impossible to get what you want. Quote me anywhere.
Small scalers and some of the medium scalers are going to be focused on the local market- mostly, the lower and middle classes who will choose their garri types to suit various occasion. In the local process, you sprinkle, you turn, you add more, you leave to burn, you dry, you wet, you dehydrate and so on. Each process are either combined or removed to ensure you achieve the particular type you wanted that suits the taste and have effect that is desired.
Now, the mechanical fryer works exactly like a popcorn machine. It is developed to produce large scale in one process that will be cooled and bagged. The processes and art are not considered. Most times, the rich folks or foreign folks they target do not know the difference. It’s just like mixing flour with cocaine. You don’t get to get the finest finish or choose types. You have one product churned out every time.
If you have been to the local factory, you will understand and appreciate these guys. They know when to press, when to turn, when to leave to burn and which side they have to touch. But the machine just roll and roll and turn until it’s dried.
I am not against this- but most definitely not necessary for the first two scalers. But for the larger scalers, the machine is your only friend.
Kindly visit our garri dedicated blog for everything related to Garri processing.
That is insightful. So, how do you come in?
Do you want a sketch/detailed drawing for factory? Call me. There is a price for either a sketch or a full architectural drawing. Check below for example. Put it in mind that both will be well detailed. While large scale producers may need an architectural drawing because of documentation and processing when they wanted to go international, small scalers and medium sized, don’t.
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example of a sketch (residential) |
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exmaple of a sketch |
Do you want me to personally supervise this project? No problem. With years’ of experience as a site manager and still counting, on the construction site, you’re safe.
Do you want an estimated cost of materials and so on? Call me. I will calculate the exact number of materials (blocks, cement, reinforcements etc.) that you require for each phase of work. This will keep you on the safer side and allow you plan.
We offer training too. That is, after your factory is set. We allow on of ours to manage (with an assistant who will closely work with him in order to take over. The assistant will be from you) for an agreed month- a minimum of six months. You will provide accommodation and salary.
How about sales? How lucrative is this?
I use to answer this question with another question. If it is not lucrative, why does it still flood the market? The local market is enough to consume anything you produce, no matter how large. Assuming you are prepared for the distribution through chains of networks either in warehouses, shops or the market place.
But what happens when the price of garri goes down?
This is food and not just another thing. People will seek for this product even when all other things could be ignored. When prices go up, it means the cost of production, which is mainly on the raw product (cassava tubers) and not on manpower, has risen. And when the prices fall, then there is a glut in the sale of tubers. You are probably buying lesser that before. But the good side of this is that, prices of the end product don’t really go down, you still make good profit especially if you already have your buyers which you would have. Either way, your profit is not disturbed. The only way a company folds up is when the raw materials are high and your produce is higher and people reject it. But this is food, how could they reject a staple food? Just imagine the price of rice going up and Thailand and people refused to buy… it will only happen in mars and not on earth!
So, you are saying that profit is assured in garri production?
Yes, it is. Either the raw products increases or decreases in price.Staff- lets discuss that. How does one choose his staff for his garri processing factory?Like I used to say, don’t pinch your factory where the raw material is scarce, and try to be near a village where you get cheap labour and staff. You only one staff- the manager- probably a local champion who will learn to operate the machines and monitor the others who peel, wash, pack and so on. Other workers will work daily. This gives room for competition and saves money when you are not producing. These people get paid for work done and work done only! Even when they are up to 100 on a pile of cassava heap, and they were able to peel a basket each… each get paid per basket peeled. You got that, right?
Of course. How much does it cost to produce a ton of garri?
I cannot tell you this, but it is so cheap to produce. For example, a drum of cassava is peeled for just 300 naira, and around 500 naira to grate, around 150 naira to press it. The one who will fry it is the same person who sees to its grating, pressing and sifting. She will fry 25kg at just 200 naira. A drum will produce at least, 50 kg, which is sold around 7,000 and above. Do the math. These prices are different in other places, but believe me, having your factory where it matters mattered a lot, in regards to your profit. You may have to forget about building a store if you set up closer to a village. I remembered we rented a room for just 7,000 once when we were producing for a client in Osun state- he had 5 hectares of cassava back then.
How does one source for the raw material in garri production? Do we need to plant cassavas too?
Planting is a cheap way and easy but never easy. You tend to have at least 30 hectares to keep producing all year round. This is for large scalers! Though, you may look towards having your own farm as a small or medium scaler, but take me on my words: If you set up your factory as I would advise, and you are short of the raw materials, then you call me out! The thing is this, set up near you raw material, set up a few kilometres from it, you raw materials will seek you out! You will be amazed by how this product is being sought after. People who have a big yard and resell cassava tubers, even in the city, don’t have problem sourcing or selling out within two days!The best way to identity the best cassava tubers are in my manual- one advice_ do not buy tubers that has been removed from its stem for as long as 48 hours!
Be rest assured, you will get a pickup (local truck) of well packed cassava tubers from the loval farmers as low as 12, 000. Note that this truck has a minimum capacity to pack one and half tons when packed. And when really packed, three tons! You can see why we decided to leave cassava cultivation for our daddies because before, a ton is as much as 18, 000. But market don spoil. Processing gets it all. You buy VERY cheap and make more money!
How much is a bag of garri in the market?
Which type of the bags? 10kg, 15kg, 25kg or 50kg? Now, understand this, no matter the price you sell, your profit is assured because the cost of production is low, anywhere, if you just follow my pattern.
Which is?
…which is in my manual
For free?
Nope. N1, 000. It is a 54 (fifty four) paged handbook that you need to get and read in order for you to be able to understand these processes and take charge without anybody telling how to do it. With this book, you are already and expert in garri productions and the management of the factory. It is titled:
The manual will entails details on the best way to site your factory, best way to produce and save money. It will explain the processes of production from peeling to bagging. Bagging is important- you want to really know that. It will deal with staffing and best way to effective sales too. Like I used to say, it will make you your manager without a problem. All the details of my training are included, the nitty gritty, and every other questions.
This manual contains some of the requirements that THE FOOD REGULATORY BODY LIKE NAFDAC is looking for in setting up a garri processing factory, such that a process doesn’t contaminate the other. This will also give insight to the best machine for each job.It contains the cons, like I have earlier and what you need to know. Believe me. It contains the contact of the best fabricator in Nigeria. Yes, like I have said- he currently works with the EU on food production and currently working with IITA to produce a mechanical fryer that is more effective and cost effective. These fryers are available now and ready to anyone.
So, everybody got to buy this?No, not everyone. For example, those who patronize any of my services got to get this for FREE plus a free phone consultation, anytime of the day! But those who don’t want my services may buy for another reason. But this manual doesn’t have an architectural plan for your factory.
What are the services you render as far as garri processing plant is concerned?
1. The detailed sketch or an architectural plan
4. Building Estimation
So, how much are your services.
Call me +2347035593128
Why not?
The contents include:
• setting
up your factory (reducing costs of production)
• environmental
• let’s get
the machines (with prices)
• major
types of GARRI and their processes of production
• know your
cassava tubers (how to spot the best)
• choose
your staff/manager
• peeling
and washing
• grating
and the grating area
• fermenting
and pressing
• frying
and other processes
• bagging
and storage
• marketing
and sales
• basic
production of cassava flour
• contact
your local fabricator with a voucher for
If you feel the need to ask more questions after reading the manual, call me and you will be attended to.
So, how do we get this manual:
Fair enough; thank you for your time.
It is my pleasure. Thank you.
*please, note that prices stated here are as at the time of publication. The poster is not responsible for price change. Thank you.
garriguy007@gmail.com (updated)
Kindly visit our garri dedicated blog for everything related to Garri processing.
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